Internet and GDP per capita
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Sports Viewership
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The tool represents how television viewership vary across various states in India. It presents surprising results when different sports...
Growth of Labor Productivity per person employed in 2017
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The above tool depicts the trends in growth of Labor Productivity per person employed from 1950 till 2017. Data...
Gujarat Assembly Elections 2017
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The above tool has been developed by using data from authentic government sources to gain better insights from...
Market Cap Variations
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The tool visualizes how GDP per capita varies with Market Capitalization of publicly listed companies across various countries. It...
Net Payroll Data (EPFO)
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The above tool represents the net payroll subscribers in the formal sector for past one year. The...
Babies per woman and Economic Development
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The above tool represents how the change in fertility rates i.e. babies per woman affect the economic development of...